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Welcome! Growing Together is about helping shape Strathroy-Caradoc's future - how it grows, looks, moves, opportunities for jobs and services, and more! The Municipality values your voice and involvement. The feedback you provide will help us identify the needs and priorities as the Municipality continues to have a constructive dialogue with the community that is open, transparent, accessible, and inclusive. This web page serves as the central hub for you to visit and receive ongoing project updates
Recreational Trails Master Plan
The Municipality is preparing a Recreational Trails Master Plan (RTMP) to identify future trail routes and improvements to existingContinue reading
Welcome! Growing Together is about helping shape Strathroy-Caradoc's future - how it grows, looks, moves, opportunities for jobs and services, and more! The Municipality values your voice and involvement. The feedback you provide will help us identify the needs and priorities as the Municipality continues to have a constructive dialogue with the community that is open, transparent, accessible, and inclusive. This web page serves as the central hub for you to visit and receive ongoing project updates
Recreational Trails Master Plan
The Municipality is preparing a Recreational Trails Master Plan (RTMP) to identify future trail routes and improvements to existing trails, promote healthy and active communities, and develop a long-range Master Plan to guide the development and implementation of a recreational trails network in the Municipality.
The process to develop a RTMP starts with a vision, which will guide the review of the current off-road trail system and identify areas for improvement and growth. The RTMP also provides best practice trail design guidance. Ultimately, the RTMP will identify a series of actions, policies, and programs that the municipality can take to guide the implementation of off-road recreational trails.
The RTMP is being developed consistent with Approach #2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.
Get Involved!
In the tabs below, you will find activities that you can participate in and the latest project updates. These activities will change as the project progresses and as we learn more about what is important to you. Check-in often and tell us what you think!
Share Your feedback on the proposed recreational trails network on FacebookShare Your feedback on the proposed recreational trails network on TwitterShare Your feedback on the proposed recreational trails network on LinkedinEmail Your feedback on the proposed recreational trails network link
Thank you to everyone who participated in this discussion! Stay tuned for project updates in Fall 2021.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
The feedback we heard from the community about the future of trails in Strathroy-Caradoc has been used to shape the vision and proposed recommendations for the Recreational Trails Master Plan.
Here is the recording from the July 15, 2021 public open house for the Transportation Master Plan and Recreational Trails Master Plan where the proposed networks and recommendations were introduced.
We encourage you to watch this video and join the discussion by leaving your comments below or contact the Project Team with any questions.