Draft Redline Official Plan - Ready for Review!
Over the past 15 months, the Municipality has been undertaking a review of its Official Plan and you have told us what is important to you as the community continues to grow. You now have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed Redline Official Plan which shows specific changes to Official Plan. The Redline Official Plan will be brought forward for Council consideration in June 2022 to implement the first stage of changes to the Official Plan. A second Official Plan Amendment will be brought forward in early 2023 following completion of the Comprehensive Review.
- Summary of Changes | Provides an overview and description of the changes found in the Redline Official Plan.
Draft Redline Official Plan (Clean Version) | Incorporates recommendations from the Growing Together Strathroy-Caradoc project.
- Click here to view a track change version of the Redline Official Plan.
- Draft Official Plan Schedules (see Documents Tab on right hand side of page) | Contains a series of maps that show where different policies and land use designations are applied.
- Draft Official Plan Amendment | Will implement the changes introduced in the Redline Official Plan.
An open house and a statutory public meeting will held to provide opportunities to share your views and comments on what the future of Strathroy-Caradoc looks like. Comments are to be provided in writing (e-mail or mail) no later than June 13, 2022 to officialplan@strathroy-caradoc.ca
Virtual Public Open House
- Wednesday, May 25, 2022
- 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
- Click here to register and receive the meeting link.
Virtual Statutory Public Meeting
- Monday, June 6, 2022
- Starting at 6:00 p.m.
- Please email planning@strathroy-caradoc.ca or call (519) 245-1070 ext. 210 no later than one week before the meeting date. Leave your name, address and phone number. Staff will return your call and provide participation options and details. The Council meeting will also be broadcast live at 6:00 p.m. the day of the meeting at www.strathroy-caradoc.ca/meetings

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