What is an Official Plan?

    An Official Plan is a legal document containing goals, objectives and policies to guide land use, development and growth in a municipality.  The Official Plan guides and directs changes to the physical layout of Strathroy-Caradoc. The Official Plan has a large impact our social, economic, cultural and natural environment, as it sets out: 

    • Where we will put new housing, industry, offices, commercial shopping areas, etc., and what those developments might look like (housing density, for example);
    • Where roads and traffic will go;
    • Where services and amenities like schools, water pipes & sewers, recreation centres, and parks are needed, and where they should be located;
    • How we will protect important agricultural areas, green space, etc.; and,
    • Other considerations for municipal growth and development.

    Why is the Municipality reviewing its Official Plan?

    We are reviewing our Official Plan to ensure that it conforms with the latest provincial policies and the County of Middlesex Official Plan. The review will consider the new planning Master Plans and Studies being completed by the Municipality as part of Growing Together and the County since the current Official Plan was approved.