Final Redline Official Plan now available
The Final Redline Official Plan, schedules, and Official Plan Amendment No. 14 are now available. Based on comments and input received since the release of draft materials in May 2022, the Project Team has made revisions to the Redline Official Plan and schedules.
On July 18, 2022, Official Plan Amendment No. 14 (OPA 14) will be presented to Council for adoption. The staff report, which will be made available on the Municipality's website in the days before the meeting, will include a record of all comments and feedback received prior to the June 13, 2022 comment deadline.
Final Redline Official Plan (Clean Version) | Incorporates recommendations from the Growing Together Strathroy-Caradoc project.
- Click here to view a track change version of the Redline Official Plan.
- Final Official Plan Schedules (see Documents Tab on right hand side of page) | Contains a series of maps that show where different policies and land use designations are applied.
- Final Official Plan Amendment | Will implement the changes introduced in the Redline Official Plan.
Municipal staff will be providing a recommendation to Council on OPA 14. Should Council adopt OPA 14, it will be forwarded to the County of Middlesex for approval.
How to Get Involved
The public is invited to watch the virtual Council meeting. You may also participate by submitting written comments on the Official Plan Amendment. The meeting will be broadcast live at 6:00 p.m. the day of the meeting at
If you wish to be notified of the Municipal Council decision on the adoption of the Official Plan Amendment, you must make a written request to the Municipality by way of email, or regular mail/courier as listed below.
To submit written comments, please submit to the Municipality no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, July 18, 2022, by any of the following ways:
- By email to
- By regular mail or courier to Fred W. Tranquilli, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, 52 Frank Street Strathroy, Ontario N7G 2R4 or delivered directly to Town Hall

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