Servicing Capacity and Constraints Study report now available
Over the past year, the Municipality has undertaken a Servicing Capacity and Constraints Study to analyze water, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment and stormwater systems in Strathroy-Caradoc to determine the availability and needs of these systems to accommodate the servicing needs of the Municipality to 2046. This study identifies current capacity and ability to support growth and the infrastructure upgrades required to facilitate it. It sets the stage for a future Servicing Master Plan and will be a key input into the Municipality's subsequent Comprehensive Review process.
Click here to view the Servicing Capacity and Constraints report. Detailed technical appendices, including full size maps, are provided on the right side of this page.
On July 18, 2022, the Servicing Capacity and Constraints Study report will be presented to Municipal Council for endorsement. Click here to view the Council agenda which will be posted in the days before the meeting.
Submit your comments to by July 13, 2022.
All comments and questions received will be considered as we finalize the Servicing Capacity and Constraints Study.