Municipality seeks community members to serve on the Growing Together Stakeholder Advisory Committee
The Municipality of Strathroy Caradoc is looking for up to five interested and enthusiastic community members to serve on the Growing Together Official Plan Update Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC). The purpose of this group will be to provide a sounding board for the Project Team and provide insights into key issues and draft recommendations on a range of matters. Selected members of the SAC will be expected to:
- Participate in three meetings during key milestones of the Project in each of 2021 and 2022 for a total of 6 meetings. Meetings will be held in the evening during the week, and will be approximately 1.5 to 2 hours in duration.
- Due to COVID-19 public health restrictions, meetings will be held virtually. A phone-in option will be provided for those without high-speed internet access.
- Become an Ambassador of the Project, who promotes and attends public events related to the various components of Growing Together Strathroy-Caradoc.
Forms must be received no later than February 26, 2021. Alternate formats of this form and additional information about the Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Growing Together Project can be found by email at or by calling (519) 904-1877.