Growing Together Project Update (January 2022)
Over the past year, the Municipality's Growing Together Strathroy-Caradoc project team has achieved many critical milestones. The following projects are now complete:
- Employment Lands Study
- Regional Commercial Systems Study
- Parks and Recreation Master Plan
- Attainable Housing Study
- Fire Station Location Study
The remaining Master Plans and Studies include the Transportation Master Plan, Recreational Trails Master Plan, and the Servicing Capacity and Constraints Study, which are all anticipated to be completed in Q1 2022. Meanwhile, the Official Plan Review project continues with the finalization of the Policy Directions Report and preparation of the Draft Redline Official Plan.
On January 17, 2022, Council endorsed a revised project schedule for Growing Together Strathroy-Caradoc that will see the Municipality complete an Official Plan Amendment by June 2022 to implement all of the policy changes introduced through the Master Plans and Studies, together with matters of Provincial and County policy conformity.
The Comprehensive Review, or settlement area boundary review process, will now begin in February 2022 and will be completed in Q1 2023. A new project page for the Comprehensive Review project has been launched to serve as the central source of information and latest updates on this aspect of the project.
Thank you to everyone that has participated in this project throughout 2021. We look forward to continuing the conversation in 2022 as we comprehensive plan for the future of Strathroy-Caradoc, together.